NBC Music Supervisor Alicen Schneider explains: Learn how to place your music step-by-step. NBC Music Supervisor Alicen Schneider explains: Learn how to place your music step-by-step. NBC Music Supervisor Alicen Schneider explains: why it typically takes a few months to get on her radar and what you must do how to approach new music supervisors when you don’t have a relationship yet how she prefers to get music and how she organizes it (you’d be surprised) and much more... Learn how to place your music step-by-step. Access the 'Music Placement System' (*Brand New*) This *brand new!* course breaks down the song placement process, step-by-step: Find out which activities yield the most song placements. How to avoid the big mistakes when contacting music buyer. Learn to never do this one thing or you'll never get a song placement. And much more... Jack www.MusicSupervisorGuide.com PS: If you haven't already, follow me on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube Facebook Twitter YouTube http://upv.musicsupervisorguide.com/ref/O2877826 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter This is nldsolutions This is what Urban Digital Radio is supposed to sound like. We spin the whole record with no talking over it. We play Hip-Hop, RnB, House, Reggae, Funk, Urban Jazz, Pop, Ol' Skool, and Gospel. RELATED POSTS
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