Kaceo$pades pronounced (kay-so-spades) is a 90s born humble lyricist, recording, and performing artist. She was born & raised in the Mississippi Delta region. Which unless you are from there you have probably not heard of it. Being from this small, underprivileged, little known, and disadvantaged area, her talents were majorly slept on for many years. Despite the fact that her music career goals & dreams stayed stagnant, she persevered and pushed on.
After attending college for a few years & receiving her 1st degree Kaceo moved to Atlanta, GA where her craft was strengthened & her art finally began to spread. Kaceo performed at many nightclubs & colleges throughout ATL and the surrounding areas. Almost a year later she returned to her hometown to spend some much needed time with her family & to complete her debut album, "HEIR" which was released on 7/27/2017 contains 7 tracks and is 27 minutes long. The album was released in Los Angeles, California where Kaceo has just relocated to. She's one moving woman, often hired as a traveling lyricist. Kaceo$pades has been writing & recording for a bit over 7 years now and finally after much overlook and under appreciation a major wave is revving up! When this Kaceo$pades wave hits the shore, the masses will be amazed at not only how talented Kaceo is, but also how beautiful, driven, dedicated, motivated, humble, & independent she is (to name a few).
#WhoIsKaceo #Heir #HungryLyricist
Contact: kaceospades@gmail.com
Snapchat: SpittingKayydoh
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