Ameerah Jay
Hottest 14-Year-Old Ameerah Jay Going Viral with Hot New Song Survivor
Youngest Upcoming Superstar shaping Music
ATLANTA, May 26, 2020 ( - Ameerah Jay is an upcoming Superstar, the daughter of a popular and famous European artist Elam Jay. Ameerah is amazing. Her voice is so big and she is only 14 years old. When she sings you would think Mariah or Beyoncé was singing. She has a unique style. from her own life experiences she constructed the perfect song "survivor" which entails her own struggles and challenges in life that created the perfect masterpiece.
Born in Geneva in September 2005, Ameerah Jay has her roots in Morocco from her father and in Romania from her mother. The multiple nationalities allowed her to travel all the time between countries and continents and helped improving her taste for eclectic quality music.
Inheriting a love of soul music from her father and a love of current pop from her mother, Ameerah Jay forged her own unique identity in singing.
Compared with Adele or Amy Winehouse, yet such a distinct incomparable voice, Ameerah Jay comes out with her unique, original style, that once you listen to her, you know that she might inspire the world forever.
With parents being performing artists, Ameerah landed into the music business since she was new born. She grew up taking part of late studio sessions, shows rehearsals or brainstorming meetings about launching strategies.
She started singing at 8 years old, but her love for the stage happened when she performed for the first time at the age of 10, on a show organized by her ART’s school, and finished her representation with the whole crowd giving her a standing ovation.
Since 2 years she moved with her family in the United States of America, where her father built up his music Label, Jay Vibe Records with studios and offices in both Miami, Florida and Marrakech, Morocco.
Her debut visual album suggestively entitled “Already 14”, wove between hard hitting songs touching on actual social situation and more personal narrative ones.
The first common reaction to her music, is “What?!! No way this girl is 14 years old!” The mind-blowing power of her voice, complimented so well by her emotions and the soul she exhibits through each word, might touch you to tears. Each of the songs, written and composed by her father, Elam Jay, who has a passion for both, the emotional songwriting and visceral beats, has meaningful lyrics, narrating important episodes of the artist’s, certainly short, but already such experimented life. It’s about raw human emotions, sometimes controversial sometimes just simple but always in their purest condition, to illustrate a chronology of relevant events.
The album is an overwhelming blending of styles as pop, country, soul with some rockish sonorities, just enough to make each song sound epic.
Barely in her teens, Ameerah Jay is here to prove she means business. Check out her new release "Survivor" hitting all platforms May 29th the song is incredible.
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